Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Running, walking, skipping, jumping jacks...

One of the first few meetings I attended at SOS was a training for the mothers. During the training, the Village Director and the social workers encouraged mothers to look after their health and weight. It seems that, in other villages, SOS mothers tend to gain weight and have deteriorating health the longer they stay. This could be a result of many factors. In the meeting, I suggested that we could start a walking club with mothers. If you really want to know, I've started this club for selfish reasons! I want to get in shape! I want to be more physically fit! What a great way to keep motivated when you have lots of kids reminding you to get up and get a move on!

Initially, it didn't seem like the walking club would get off of the ground (or out of my head), but one courageous mother, Mme Portia, approached me and expressed her interest. It just so happened that soon after we spoke, the kids went on break from school and had ample free time. Our walking club initially started out with Mme Portia (who is a super star) and about seven children. We would go walking several times a week for about 2 hours around the neighborhood. The second time we went out walking, Mme Portia surprised me by having all of the children dressed in the same shirts!

The most children we've had thus far is 14. I've had them do warm up and cool down exercises, jogging, slow walking, fast walking, and relay races. Additionally during walks, I stress the importance of drinking lots of water; a light, healthy meal before exercising; and tips like keeping stomach muscles in while walking. Everyone seems to be enjoying it, but my challenge is to increase the number of mothers participating and even some of the office staff members. I'm working on it! Now that the children are back in school, we (the mothers and myself) are trying to find our own rhythm. The next addition to my plan is to start healthy cooking/eating/snacking sessions for both the mothers and children. Additionally, I've noticed that the majority of the kids do not have proper running outfits or running shoes. If you are out there reading this blog post and can possibly help us out, I'd greatly appreciate it!

Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure! I'll keep you posted!

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